Indonesia Emergency

Indonesia Emergency Appeal
Help our brothers and sisters in Indonesia rebuild their lives!
A 6.2 magnitude earthquake rocked West Sulawesi, Indonesia on January 15th, destroying vital infrastructure, homes and lives in its wake. 15,000 people have been made homeless, more than 826 people have been injured and at least 80 people have lost their lives to this terrible natural disaster.
The people of West Sulawesi need your support. Help us save lives and donate now.
Indonesian Earthquake Victims Need Your Help!
Penny Appeal are working with our partner, Rumah Zakat, to bring food, clean water, medical supplies, emergency shelter and financial support to the families who have been affected by Sulawesi’s powerful earthquake. Cash grant donations are 100% Zakat applicable, so please give your generous support to our brothers and sisters who have lost everything.
Over 18,000 people have been affected by the earthquake that hit communities in West Sulawesi, with the districts of Mamuju and Majene being some of the worst hit areas on Sulawesi Island. Cities have been turned to rubble, mosques have been levelled, hospitals have been damaged and homes have been demolished.
Donate now to provide relief to the victims of the Sulawesi earthquake.
After the initial 6.2 magnitude quake, 32 aftershocks were recorded making it difficult for Indonesian rescue teams to sweep the scene. The death toll has reached at least 80 people so far, and this could still rise as more people are retrieved from the rubble of this disaster.
The damage from this quake is extensive but Penny Appeal and our partners are on the ground, ready to support the victims of this natural disaster with hot meal and clean water distributions, medical supplies deliveries, emergency shelter for the homeless and financial support for families in the form of cash grants.
Our cash grants allow families to get exactly what they need in these difficult times and gives them the power to decide what that is. From food to medicine, clothing to hygiene essentials, cash grants give vulnerable families the power to protect themselves. Cash grant donations are also 100% Zakat applicable, so donate now to help Indonesian families in need.
Protect our brothers and sisters in the aftermath of this terrible earthquake, donate now.
Support Indonesia Today
Your donations will provide urgent aid to the victims of the West Sulawesi earthquake, and help them heal after this natural disaster.
A donation of hot meals will feed those who have fled from the quake’s destruction. Providing emergency shelter will make sure families have a safe place to rest. Donating medical supplies and clean water will assure that families are being properly looked after. Giving cash grants to the victims of this disaster will give them control of their lives once more.
Any way you donate to our Indonesia Emergency appeal is a blessing for the people of Sulawesi.
What does ‘Where Most Needed’ mean?
We work with experts in the field as well as our established partners on the ground to locate countries, communities, and people that are most in need. So, when we say your donation is being delivered to where most needed, rest assured that you are helping support some of the most vulnerable communities in the world!
We always do our best to meet your requests!
Penny Appeal will endeavour to use your gift as requested, wherever possible. If for any reason we cannot use your donation as you have indicated, we will use it to fund similar projects in other countries or other projects in the relevant country. Penny Appeal’s strategic overview and on the ground experience means it is in the best position to decide how to meet need as it arises.